All texts copyright Richard Shillitoe
the occultist:
the tree of life
It is customary to refer to ‘The Tree of Life’ as though there is only one.
This is an oversimplification. The Qabalah teaches that manifested
existence is divisible into four worlds, or planes. They represent degrees
of materialisation between the unmanifest and the solidified cosmos.
As the Tree of Life projects downwards through the four worlds, it follows
that each world has its own Tree and each sephirah has a fourfold nature.
Amongst its other attributes, each sephirah, in each world, has its own
associated colour.
In most depictions of the Tree, the colours used for the sephiroth are
those of Assiah, the material world. In Colquhoun’s paintings she has, for
each sephirah, combined the colour attributions from each of the worlds,
to produce images of great beauty, originality and magical powers.
At the time that she was working on these paintings, Colquhoun was also
writing her poetic sequence “The Decad of Intelligence”.
Here is the poem from the series for Chokmah, alongside her image. There is more about the image here .
Illuminating Intelligence
Sphere of the Zodiac
Root of elemental fire
Wisdom the Kings a male image
Star-ruby turquoise musk amaranth
Phosphorus hashish
Right cerebrum pineal gland
Line cross
Philosophical sulphur Saturn as metal
Air man as god-the-father
Lingam robe of glory
Devotion angelic Wheels
Joy vision face-to-face
Each poem details the magical attributions of a sephirah. It is likely that she intended the images, the words
and the sounds of the words spoken aloud to be used together as aids to meditation on the Tree. The
outcome of such meditation would be a transmutation of consciousness; an awakening of the latent and
profound connections between humanity, nature and the divine, and of restoring a paradisial union between
them. Could there be any grander achievement in her art?